Chad Sayers Adventures

Well, another amazing ski season has come to an end! I’m so grateful to have had experienced so many beautiful and blissful moments skiing in so many unique ski cultures and sharing it with new and old friends.
My most recent adventure was a 3 week ski mountaineering trip in the Upper Svaneti Region in the Republic of Georgia with Montana based photographer/ filmmaker Jason Thompson, International Mountain guide Tyler Jones, and free skier/ world traveler Forest Coots. Mid- winter I was asked to join the expedition not knowing it would be one of my most adventurous and memorable ski trips to date.
After a warm welcome from the Georgian locals in Tbilisi and a couple days photographing the city while getting the jet lag behind us, we set out on a 10 hour drive heading north towards the enchanting village of Ushguli, where we would get the final logistics for the expedition dialled and get permission from the Georgian authorities to head into the mountains.
Our main objective was to climb and ski the main summit couloir on Mt Shkhara (5063 m) but due to the conditions, we were unable to reach the summit.
Nonetheless, we spent 14 nights out in the tent exploring and experiencing stunning landscapes and classic ski mountaineering lines, making lifelong memories that will no doubt bring us back to these sacred mountains in the near future to pick up right where we left off!
That’s to all the people that continue to support and be a part of my journey!!!