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Early Season Conditions continue to impress

Godzilla El Niño just keeps on delivering!

Yvan, one of our guides, reported back on conditions out at Shames Mt. earlier this month:

By 11:00 am we skied down Prayer Flags in excellent condition. There was an 80 cm base which skies very well with snowfall accumulating very quickly. We had 20 cm’s on the vehicle in 3 hours at the Shames parking lot!

and, several days later, when Yvan ventured into our tenure he was once again very pleased with what he saw;

Early season conditions continue to impress! I was out today digging snow profiles and found 160 cm's (over 5 feet) at our pickup elevations! And, it was snowing 5cm's/hour (2 inches/hr) still! The snowpack is setting up well and there is another storm lined up to hit us soon.

It's continued to snow since then; both in the mountains and at Yellow Cedar Lodge. Today the guides and cat operators headed back into the mountains to begin road building and it's safe to say it looks like we're off to the best season start in a long time!

With opening day in just over 2 weeks the stoke level at Northern Escape is high!