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Local Freshies: Get To The Choppa!

Steep goodness!

Steep goodness!

There are life goals. There are bucket lists. And then there are experiences that change the way you look at the world. Make you realize that you need to reprioritize. Figure out a way to make it happen again. That’s what our adventure up to Northern Escape Heli Ski was. Was it THAT good? It was the best ski trip I’ve ever been on. Nothing even comes close.

Far North Doesn’t Even Begin To Describe It

Our original plan was to make a road trip out of it. Hit a few resorts on our way up and back. That went out the window as we started hashing out our itinerary. The company’s name fits to a tee – it IS a Northern Escape. Terrace, British Columbia, where it’s located, is almost a THOUSAND miles north of Whistler. In fact, it’s only a 100 km east of the panhandle of Alaska. As such, getting there is a bit of a logistical challenge.

Drive? HA! Fly It Is

The options were to take a fifteen-hour ferry ride on the ocean (that only happens twice per week) or drive 22+ hours on two-lane mountain roads that may or may not be open. Just too much for this heli-ski trip. Even flying from Tahoe, it was going to make it a two-day journey. Instead, we opted for a hybrid approach. Drive up to Seattle and take a flight from there...

To read more on Alex Silgalis' experience of Northern Escape's Heaven on Earth, check out the full article!