Positive preseason conditions make happy guides

So far every foray into the mountains has seen the guides returning with smiles on their faces and reporst of positive preseason conditions. “The skiing has been excellent,” reports Owen Day, assistant guiding operations manager. “We’ve had some really productive days in the mountains,” adds Mikey Olsthoorn, guiding operations manager, “we’ve been digging and building landings and pick ups. Many of our classic heli ski runs are ready to go.”
Guides training 2015 kicks off
This year at Northern Escape Heli Skiing we will be conducting combined training between the guides and aircrew to improve organizational efficiency and provide an elevated overall guest experience. As always our training will focus on implementing the highest industry standards in rescue and safety techniques.
It’s great to see so many familiar faces at guides training this year. We would like to extend a warm welcome to Lorne Graham as he joins the guiding team this year at NEH.