Safety Is Number 1

At Northern Escape Safety Is Number 1. Not only for our guests but for our staff as well.
That’s why we are working on getting our COR certification. The Certificate of Recognition program (COR) is an occupational health and safety audit and certification that rewards employers that go above and beyond the legal requirements of the Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations. It is a process that is not easily met, but we are up for the challenge!
The audit process has very high standards and in order to meet the targets, it takes the whole company to work together. The process involves employee interviews, inspections, and observations. In the interview portion, the auditor talks to our employees and gets their take on how we are doing regarding their safety. Once that is complete, the Auditor observes everyone while they are working to ensure that we are following the OH&S plan. The next process is the inspection process. This involves looking over all of our safety documents and our work places to make sure that our environment is as safe as possible and that our entire safety program adheres to the highest possible standards. Once the season starts we will challenge the audit and see if we measure up because safety is number 1.